The year has flown by already so we thought we would do a post of a few of the clips and events that we were involved in this year.

We put out a clip of all our Dekline riders nation wide. It took a while to gather all the footage but it was well worth it.

Paul Battlay and James James continued their productive friendship and put out this amazing clip for Dekline

The super styling Blake Harris spent a lot of time in the States this year with the Orion and Tum Yeto teams. Getting a lot done with more to come. Heres the clip Orion put together of some of the tricks he got.

Another year, another successful Moss Jam. This time being at Mt.Eliza skate park.
Good on ya guys for doing it each year and supplying clean water for people who need it. More info here

The YMCA and VCA continued to host grass roots competitions all over the state this year.
With great numbers and lots of new parks visited More info here.
